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Old Posted Sep 10, 2020, 4:38 PM
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hkskyline hkskyline is offline
Hong Kong
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 8,564
Online shopping is making inroads in our part of the world although the traditional bricks and mortars mall still attracts crowds. This is because we live in small confined spaces. A family of 3 plus a maid have to fit into a 450 square foot apartment, so it's not great to stuff everyone within the walls after work, school, and on weekends. With convenient retail just downstairs, you don't even need an umbrella to access the restaurants, shops, and air-conditioned comfort. The mall has become part of our everyday lifestyle, an extended community space.

That's why the crowds came when the newest big mall in the city opened recently in LOHAS Park, a desolate enclave of reclaimed land in the eastern end of the city. There are harbour views, although a steady stream of garbage trucks rumble through to the nearby landfill. The first residents moved in a decade ago, but they haven't had a proper mall until now. Well, they're actually a subway stop or two away from the rest of the district, so by no means are they isolated. But by HK standards, this is an inconvenient area.

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