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Old Posted Aug 29, 2020, 2:14 PM
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Originally Posted by milomilo View Post
Since it is obviously never going to work, someone has to waste money. What has Alberta given them that elsewhere hasn't? I agree that if this is entirely paid for by the private sector from install to tear down, then there is no loss, but what is more likely is they build it then go bankrupt and we become Ogdenville, Brockway or North Haverbrook.

Alberta provided free land to construct a demonstration. Not many other jurisdictions could do so close to a major transpiration corridor.

I can only envision two outcomes:
1) some other idea, possibly a good one, comes out of this one
2) government gains experience in how to structure and execute the kinds of arrangements and attracts other future experiments

Beyond distracting the PR department, this carries zero opportunity cost:
1) HSR stands no chance in Alberta, at least not for many decades, so whatever this project turns out does not threaten. The population is nowhere even close to large enough
2) Beyond possibly being under cultivation, what other immediate uses would better suit this land?
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