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Old Posted Aug 18, 2020, 8:02 PM
Obadno Obadno is offline
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Originally Posted by the urban politician View Post
I'm going to throw in my prediction:

Fall 2021, on SSP:

Everybody will be talking about how vibrant and thriving our great center cities are again.

This will end up being a giant blip in the radar
Yeah the confirmation bias around Covid is actually hilarious.

This is far from the first time pandemics have emptied cities (and relatively this isnt even dangerous) Every time cities rebounded.

Policy Makers and reporters pontificating on masks forever and permanent changes to how we live our lives are being completely nieve.

Long term office demand will be less per company as the slow process of work from home and remote working has been accelerated but 2/3-75% of office workers will be back in the office in the coming months.

A big change that will absolutely crush commercial real estate for years but its not going to turn cities into ghost towns forever.

New York and other Cities will be hit harder, There are many companies in NYC that now realize they can have people doing financial jobs in Nashville, Phoenix, and Jacksonville just as effectively and much cheaper than having them in Manhattan. That is an industry change that WOULD HAVE happened anyway just much slower.
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