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Old Posted Jul 14, 2020, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by We vs us View Post
I will say one of the things no one seems to be accounting for is the permanent or long term physical trauma that survivors are reporting. Widespread organ and nerve damage, heart and breathing problems, even brain damage. It's awful -- and I haven't seen formal numbers yet on how pervasive each of these knock on effects are, but assume that, because the survivor pool is so much bigger than the fatality pool, so too are the health problems.

That's one reason why herd immunity is such an empty promise. Because getting the full herd immune means not only willfully exposing people to death, but also to permanent health problems and disability. WHY SHOULD WE DO THAT TO PEOPLE, TO OUR ECONOMY, TO OUR SOCIETY. When we are surrounded by countries that have managed to get this under control by NOT throwing their fellow citizens to the wolves, it would seem like we should be able to follow that path, too, no? If South Korea can do it, why can't we?
I am still experiencing nerve issues, in fact it was one of the symptoms I've felt unique to this virus as I have never experienced anything like that ever before. My hearing has also been strange since I got sick. There is evidence this virus damages the inner ear organ. I'm planning to see my ear, nose and throat specialist after I see my regular doctor. But my sense of touch and the way my skin feels is still not normal.
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