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Old Posted Jun 2, 2020, 7:10 AM
williamchung taiwan's Avatar
williamchung taiwan williamchung taiwan is offline
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Originally Posted by Arch&Design View Post
thanks for posting, williamchung_taiwan!

im not sure if I'm the only one thinking this, but I think this development has become increasingly disappointing in design. the original MRDV design was daring and special, and I was hopeful that it could usher a new style in architecture in taipei. i think the decision to switch designs and contractors was understandable, but the new design was a bit of a let down. they claim that the design was developed by architects, SOM (who designed the one WTC and other great projects), but I was pretty let down by the uninspiring design. at least the green-wall design was great and would look good. fast forward now, we end up with probably one of the boringest design in my opinion. i think this project had so much potential, but we ended up with two slabs of glass for the buildings.

sorry for this rant, I just feel frustrated about the changing design. tho, to be more optimistic, at least its getting built. PLEASE taoyuan terminal 3, don't change your design too much. the last thing we need is another terminal 2 design!!!! thanks for coming to my ted talk. Taiwan 加油
The design is amended due to investor has to achieve land owner interest. The development is like joint venture which involve different stakeholders, include government, private land owner and actual investors. So investor change proposal to match their interest for example higher rental value and more floor area.

Last edited by williamchung taiwan; Jun 2, 2020 at 1:32 PM.
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