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Old Posted Jan 3, 2020, 6:12 PM
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Thanks for the comments! It really was a fun road trip.

Originally Posted by Murphy de la Sucre View Post
Mini is famous for its leaky water pump, I mean, infamous.
I wish I had known that. And if it's a recurring problem, then why hasn't there been a recall for it (along with the faulty ignition coils, etc.) so that MINI can fix it for free? I'm really surprised there haven't been any recalls for any of the recurring issues I've had with my MINI. And reading about MINI online, despite their quirks and problems, there's a strange brand loyalty to them. Me, I'm soooo done with MINI, and would never get any other BMW product or European car again. I'm sticking to Toyotas and Hondas.

Originally Posted by dc_denizen View Post
Nice pics, but lay off the fusion, they are great and beautifully styled cars . I have a 2013 and never had a single problem. Sadly because of ignorant attitudes like these ford stopped selling them in the us.
I doubt that Ford stopped selling these in the US because people in Los Angeles think they look like narc cars. Both Ford and GM made the decision to stop selling most traditional cars in the US; their marketing people probably just want to focus on crossovers/SUVs/trucks so that they can make more money off of them, and convince Americans that that's what they need to be driving. Here in LA, I see traditional sedans and hatchbacks everywhere. Honda Civic sedans are very common, as are Toyota Priuses. And I'm very surprised that Chevy stopped selling the Cruze... those are fairly common here, and my assumption is that they're affordable. But no, GM and Ford wants to push people into trucks and SUVs.

For the record, I read online that Ford will sell the Fusion through the 2020 model year. And I thought the Fusion did handle nicely, and I liked that it was a hybrid---Very quiet, and I think even the gas engine at times didn't even turn on until I was above 40 miles per hour. It just felt and looked like such a big car to me, being that I've driven a MINI for 7-and-a-half years. And it was a rental car, so my partner and I oftentimes couldn't get past the mixed smells of disinfectant and cigarettes.

Originally Posted by xzmattzx View Post
Nice pictures! Caliente (ironic given the snow), Pioche, and Modena all look pretty cool and preserved in time.
From what I've read online, Caliente is called that because of the natural hot springs in the area. The motel we stayed at actually had natural hot springs tubs that guests could use, as well as some rooms having some natural hot springs tubs in them too (ours didn't though, I requested the cheapest room available since we were really just there to sleep and shower, and then move on). Also, summers can be really hot there.

Originally Posted by badrunner View Post
Looks like they put up a new Extraterrestrial Highway sign, and raised it by about ten feet. I wonder why
Hehe! I noticed on Google Streetview that the sign is even missing, and on other pics online, people would vandalize it with stickers. Looking at the photo I took of it, it looks like people are putting stickers on the signposts.

Originally Posted by xzmattzx View Post
I forgot to mention that that "Welcome to Nevada" sign at Hoover Dam is very new. I was there in October 2018 and there was a regular road sign.
Looking it up on Google Streetview, yeah, as recently as March of 2019, it was a regular road sign:!8i8192?hl=en

Makes me wish I had looked to see if Arizona did the same thing on its side of the bridge.
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