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Old Posted Oct 17, 2019, 4:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Capsicum View Post

But in any case, I'd still be surprised that a French person in France would expect the most French part of Canada to be no more French than the most French part of the US, given that most people in France I presume would be aware that Canada at least is officially bilingual and supports/revived the French language much more than its US counterparts (Louisiana and whatever parts of New England or the Midwest once had more French influence).
Perhaps it's more that some have too high expectations for how French Louisiana remains, and too low expectations for how French Quebec still is. So the two perceptions meet at some point and people think they're at least somewhat comparable.

I am not saying it's the majority view but it's something that can be out there. Though perhaps a better choice of words would be "a perception that Quebec is barely more French than Louisiana".

I'd agree that it's surprising given that a Frenchman is about 10000 times more likely to see a Québécois person on their TV set, speaking in French, than he is someone from Louisiana. Just about the only Cajun who has any star power in France and who speaks French is Zachary Richard. Whereas there are oodles of Québécois about whom you could say the same.

I can't think of any Louisiana authors who would be guests on French literary programs, talking about books they've written in French.
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