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Old Posted Oct 17, 2019, 3:42 PM
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Acajack Acajack is offline
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Originally Posted by OldDartmouthMark View Post

As a side note, due to the little diddies like Schoolhouse Rock that they played regularly during Saturday morning cartoons, I could recite the first part of the American Constitution in song... what a mind blower that is, especially considering that most Americans probably have a hard time understanding where Toronto is, and have no idea who our Prime Minister is, other than that 'attractive' guy that Melania was eyeing up on social media...
Same here. "I'm just a bill yes I'm only a bill, and I'm sitting' here on Capitol Hill..." and "The Great American Melting Pot"...

When I look at some of my old friends' activity on social media, and how irate they can get about Trump and other U.S. issues, I wonder if the fact that we grew up with all this stuff so ubiquitous in our lives didn't subliminally convince a lot of people that U.S. issues are happening on "home turf".
The Last Word.
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