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Old Posted Sep 23, 2019, 1:17 AM
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Originally Posted by jtown,man View Post
My question was entirely academic. In an academic environment, no question or thought should be off the table.
There is only so much brain bandwidth available. You may have asked your question in good faith (I have no reason to doubt you), but from the perspective of the professor, your question, which was was essentially "what are the advantages of climate change?" may have set of his/her bad faith argument alarm (i.e. it may have sounded like a young-earth creationist asking a question about the eyes of the coelacanth in a lecture on evolution). If you meant to ask "what groups stand to benefit from climate change" that would be a less loaded way to ask the question since it doesn't have the implied value judgement .
And here the air that I breathe isn't dead.