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Old Posted May 21, 2019, 2:39 AM
liat91 liat91 is offline
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As far as which immigrant groups will dominate, I think the NE and South will be Indian, Chinese and Diverse Latino. The Midwest will be Indian and Mexico/Central American and the West will be Filipino and Mexican/Central American. Of course there will be others, but the groups I listed will dominate.

After Central America, DR and Cuba are tapped, (within 20 years) Latin American immigration will be done. Brazil, Argentina and Chile will suck up immigrants from the rest of South America.

China will reach peak population in 2023. They will need immigrants by 2040 and I mean a lot, though they’ll have trouble finding them. The Mideast, now Japan and North America also tap SE Asia, so you will have competition there, although fertility rate declines will cause these countries to cease being people exporters by 2050.

South Asia will have excess population until about 2100. They will have high emigration until AI and automation advances cut it off, around 2040. This will be good for them because they will still have enough people to keep their economies humming along with a large diaspora sending remittances back home. China won’t have this advantage.

Africa will have a moderate sized diaspora by 2040, but would have missed the large emigration period the rest of the world had experienced. And let’s face it, there will be considerable resistance to large scale African immigration anywhere in the world (racism on steroids). This unfortunately, might isolate Africa more so, although it’s convenient geographical location should mitigate the effect.