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Old Posted Feb 22, 2019, 2:31 AM
khabibulin khabibulin is offline
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Originally Posted by milomilo View Post
The health stuff sounds far too nanny state for my liking and likely impossible to effectively manage, but (to sound like a broken record) the rest would of course be solved by carbon pricing, so long as the producer is paying the same rate.

'Buying local' should not be an endgame in itself. Unless I want to eat only beef, wheat and garlic then as an Albertan it's going to be quite difficult to get much locally grown produce, unless it's from a greenhouse. And then the question is; is it more energy efficient to grow peppers in a greenhouse in Medicine Hat, or fly them in from California? Or maybe one of those options produces better tasting peppers with more energy, and I decide it's worth the extra cost.
Is it time for a vegan rant yet?
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