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Old Posted Dec 13, 2018, 1:52 AM
bnk bnk is offline
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Originally Posted by BonoboZill4 View Post
I'm so happy they got rid of those awkward X-braces. The V braces look way better. This building taking out the worst parking garage in downtown makes this one of the best projects of the cycle, and that's whether or not the glass is mixed between black and silver/clear
V braces might look better than X braces but from a engendering view point there are too many stresses on the mid V sections unless there is a thick steel I beam headers above the pic to alleviate that.
But even a thick header does not explain the lack of support at all 4 corners of the building unless the core is taking the load and it is just a cantilever building.

One should not put stresses in the middle of the V without making them worthy of the load.

IMO There has to be an unseen component of those Y braces from the top from prevent them from buckling the Y braces from expanding outward.

We wont know the real details and may never will unless someone has blueprints. But I am sure that it is compensated because no firm would do such a thing taking esthetics over form and function if it was not 300 years safe. But the pic looks unstable from the perspective of a lay viewer.

You just can't get away from downward and outward pressure on a V triangle brace in the middle if it is not mitigated and I am sure it will be but the pics do not show the beefing up needed.

The more I look at the pic the more I see the core handling down pressure and it being a cantilever building and the outside supports are just flourish unlike the JHC building that needed X braces for function alone.

Last edited by bnk; Dec 13, 2018 at 2:10 AM.