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Old Posted Aug 23, 2018, 12:31 AM
GenWhy? GenWhy? is offline
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Misher, while that's all good and well to preserve land for agricultural purposes, it's my assumption they were zoned to their current status years and years ago, and now currently have structures on them and parking that fits their bylaw requirements.

Since that time, it appears that the ARL and cities have had a more agricultural-focused approach to preserve the lands, with the exception of the recent desire to increase the size of the homes on/adjacent to the zoned farm land. While down-zoning private land could be possible, the enactment and cost of such a process on vacant land is one thing, but reversing the process on occupied land that large structures does not seem feasible.

While something that already exits might be "smack dab in the middle of farm land", it is in fact not on farmland, and the use of the adjacent farmland is probably irrelevant... because it's zoned and used as farmland. I don't understand the issue.

Many cities are dealing with the degredation of farmland, but usually in the context of farmland within city limits being converted to large scale suburban development via the city. Here, in Richmond, we're dealing with AG1 land within the ARL that is to be used as farmland and the tools to be used to ensure that. Temple or church land is not in question.
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