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Old Posted May 29, 2018, 2:51 AM
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MonctonRad - I'll aim for mid-September to be on the safe side! Weather actually reminded me of Dublin, Ireland where it can change 3-4 times in one day, from feeling almost hot, to cloudy with a sudden cold wind then a burst of rain. As Someone123 says, the weather on the coast in BC is very predictable - easy to plan for. We headed out to Hopewell Rocks around noon one day- it was 18, it clouded over, temperature dropped drastically down to 5 and then torrential rain for a bit in the afternoon.

RR Drummer I totally agree - it's easy to get wrapped up in navel gazing when we look at our own cities- sometimes it's good to travel elsewhere to regain perspective, or hear the feedback from others. I think as SSP'ers we do it because we are so passionate about our communities.

Ok, now on to PEI - which was one of the main reasons we picked Moncton as a base due to its central location to a lot of areas, and in case we were going to go to Nova Scotia, but we ran out of time for that.

Not much to see going over the bridge as you all know - so coming into Charlottetown the first unusual thing, at least to me is the lights which have shapes.. square stop, triangle for yellow, round for green.

We didn't really have enough time to properly explore Charlottetown - yes it was nice, but maybe this is a case of it having a very high reputation while St. John in comparison does not - yah, not necessarily a logical comparison. Still, if I was to pick one as a destination it would be St. John. Again some of the restaurants by the ocean were closed as were some shops, but the parking was still free as tourism season had not started. We had a late lunch, only two other tables eating. Mussels were very good, three pounds of them, bigger and more gentle in flavour than the west coast version, almost more clam like for what I'm used to. Bizarrely the lobster was the same price per pound as I pay in Victoria for East Coast lobster - was hoping for at least a 30% discount!

Victoria Row:

St. Dunstan's outside and in

Opposite of the church are these houses:

Our timing sucked:

Off to Brackley Beach at 5 C with an icy wind.

Some drive by shootings:

Back in NB looking back to PEI:

The bridge park in NB:

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