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Old Posted Jan 4, 2018, 12:37 PM
JMKeynes JMKeynes is offline
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Originally Posted by 10023 View Post
Somehow the US manages to get a lot less for its money than elsewhere.

Although this might be a product of the political system. States are essentially useless entities, and the federal government doesn't spend as much on major cities as they contribute in taxes. So there's a big outflow of tax dollars from New York City that it never sees again, while rural states and exurbs get shiny new highways.
That's true. NY gets screwed in DC, and it subsidizes much of the rest of America. This will only get worse with the new tax law which royally screws NY.

Apart from that, NY wastes money. Unions in NY makes those in France or Italy look weak. There was an article in the NYT about how it costs seven times as much to do subway work in NY than in Paris or London. The article stated that there were 200 people working on the LIRR extension on any given day who had no discernible role, and they made $1,000 per day!!!
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