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Old Posted Aug 6, 2017, 12:33 PM
aquablue aquablue is offline
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Originally Posted by JSsocal View Post
True^ But the wonderful interior of that building is landmarked and preserved within this building. It is a bit incongruous that nothing remains of the classical exterior, it would be nice if the facade remained here.

That said architectural preservation is almost antithetical to times square. (ts proper not the theatres on the side streets).
That's the city's and developers fault and stupid greedy decision making.. Look at London's Picadilly Circus. Although a much less extreme example of an sign district compared to TS, they managed to preserve the old buildings and blend them with modern advertisements to a successful degree. TS could have been more classy if they had kept some older buildings here and there between signs like in Picadilly. Remember, TS used to be full of old beautiful buildings.