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Old Posted Mar 14, 2017, 12:10 AM
LouisVanDerWright LouisVanDerWright is offline
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Originally Posted by destroycreate View Post
Denver really has some fantastic older architecture.

The city has always struck me as one of the nicest and most pleasant to live in the US. Also, is it just me or is there something almost Canadian about it?
Yes, there is something really Candian about it, it's almost entirely white and has next to none of the historical inner city racially segregated blight problems that most American cities have. It is over 50% white with only 10% African American while most major American metros are 20%+. Much like Portland, Denver is also a huge magnet for well educated millenials who flock there in droves for the hipster and outdoors lifestyles and end up make the place even more "canadian" by skewing the city's politics in an extremely progressive direction (see Cannabis, Legalization of).

But the biggest fundamental difference between most American cities and a place like Denver is that it was essentialy a frontier oil town when the Great Migration occurred and therefore did not attract a huge migration of poor rural African American migrants from the South who were then laid off from the factory jobs there were chasing when globalization began a few decades later. That's how most American cities got so screwed up, people came searching for better jobs and less racism only to find just as much racism and that the factory jobs would disappear overnight just a generation later plunging what was a nascent black middle class right back into destitute poverty with the same old racist attitudes.
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