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Old Posted Jan 14, 2017, 7:45 PM
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Gonzo the Great Gonzo the Great is offline
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Jersey City as well with 99 Hudson. The Journal Square neighborhood is seeing a dramatic change, and come 2020, it'll be a nice cluster of 700+ ft towers. I expect another tall, 900+ footer for downtown.

I think Newark NJ will see a new tallest for itself in the next 5-10 years. Hopefully sooner.[/QUOTE]

I am completely overwhelmed by the knowledge and efforts of all who post on this site . So please allow me a unimportant , ill informed
biased opinion about the above mentioned cities .

Both cities have fluctuated with regard to population counts over the past ..... 50 years ?? . I think ... However , I believe Jersey City has a
much greater chance of seeing something over 1000' long before Newark does .

Jersey City is half the size of Newark in land area but currently in 2nd. place by a mere 15/16 thousand residents . The pace at witch JC is
growing leads me to believe they will switch places ..... maybe by the 2020 census . Plus , being a stones throw from NYC , the chance of
something really big punching a hole in the atmosphere looks better in JC than in Newark ...... But my guess is unimportant and ill informed .
...... I had that weird dream again !
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