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Old Posted Aug 2, 2016, 3:08 PM
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nixcity nixcity is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Austin, TX.
Posts: 768
^Nope, its year to date.
from 8,745,317 to 8,076,130 or 7.7%

Also, here is the latest article by the Monitor confirming what I have been saying. And I am no big fan of NA's per say but they do carry a lot of weight in this city, especially the wealthy mostly white ones and as this article points out it was a 20-1 vote, or double what Novacek said, or in his words 200%!!
They now have a second poll showing Austinites want a good rail system and this one hits specifically the MOS and did not just poll people over 40 like the one they did for their bond. Many urbanists, myself included, will work to kill the bond if they do not include this.
I encourage you all to write the mayor and your council representative if you would like to see our fair city get serious about mode shift.
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