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Old Posted Apr 6, 2016, 9:44 PM
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wong21fr wong21fr is offline
Reluctant Hobbesian
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Originally Posted by Cirrus View Post
Where are those people going to eat and live while they're working for $5/hour? Are we going to feed & house them dorm-style, or are they on their own? And while we're on the subject of indentured servants, how do we guarantee their healthcare? Humanity has a bad history of mistreating its slave labor, especially when it's only temporary slave labor.

Not that I'm exactly against the idea. As long as we're talking theoretical revolutions and not actual policy proposals, it could be workable. But it would be a lot harder than "line up and build bridges for $5, kiddies."
The new CCC model: three hots, a shot, and a cot.
"You don't strike, you just go to work everyday and do your job real half-ass. That's the American way!" -Homer Simpson

All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field. ~Albert Einstein

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