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Old Posted Apr 6, 2016, 7:42 PM
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wong21fr wong21fr is offline
Reluctant Hobbesian
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Originally Posted by Cirrus View Post
I doubt very much 2 years in a trench would be cheaper than 2 years at FRCC.

How about that? Your community college associates degree is free. If you want a school with a football team, you have to pay.
How about 2 years of shoveling a trench for a sewer pipeline? Far cheaper than being in a trench and you'd see some very tangible benefits back to society.

Mandatory service at a low wage (<$5/hr) to qualify for any basic social services (which we can now define as education, health, supplemental income, etc.). Basically reintroduce the CCC as a means fo getting government assistance. You'd have to put in all sorts of waivers to get by labor, health, and safety laws to make the labor units cheap enough; and it could be a boon to the construction industry (while decimating some of the rank and file workers).

One wouldn't have to do such work, but it would mean you're screwed for life if you ever should find yourself needing help.
"You don't strike, you just go to work everyday and do your job real half-ass. That's the American way!" -Homer Simpson

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