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Old Posted Dec 2, 2015, 6:30 PM
Landlocked Landlocked is offline
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Originally Posted by ciudad_del_norte View Post
I care less about percentages than a bunch of people who make up the most privileged part of society speaking for what others should or should not be offended by. ...It's easy for people within the populations who pretty much run the world to sit back and complain about people being too sensitive or easily offended.
...A column that found many people aren't offended doesn't really help. It could at least start the conversation, but instead its being thrown around as if it somehow prooves that everything is okay as is and nobody should be offended. ... It's not reasonable for a bunch of white guys in Edmonton to suggest that those people have no reason, or no right to be offended.
...Canada, and especially places like Edmonton with some deeply embeded racial problems have a long way to go before we have any actually productive discussions about these types of issues.
So, you want to suggest that whites rule the world, that you don't care about the opinion of white people, that you don't care what percentage of people are actually offended by something before demanding action, AND somehow want productive discussions about these types of issues.

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