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Old Posted May 11, 2015, 4:00 PM
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Coldrsx Coldrsx is offline
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Originally Posted by Hardhatdan View Post
Can you do it? Yes.
Is it as easy as the cities you have and do live In? No.

That said, please do. It's more of a pioneer type of thing, you are part of the first wave transforming the city instead of just joining an established crowd,
I'm envious of the people who are a part of it, I live just across the river and these "pioneers"are making the city better for everyone...they are accomplishing something through their choice and I hope it is very rewarding.
To some extent it is easier: very accessible, relatively inexpensive to other major cities, not incredibly busy or congested and reasonably clean and safe.

We are past pioneering and well into puberty. Maturation continues and we are seeing that in a variety of ways, more to come.
"The destructive effects of automobiles are much less a cause than a symptom of our incompetence at city building" - Jane Jacobs 1961ish

Wake me up when I can see skyscrapers
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