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Old Posted Apr 30, 2015, 4:35 PM
goodgrowth goodgrowth is offline
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Originally Posted by overboard View Post
Surely cutting jobs and programs is the road to a happy population.

I'm sure there are areas where money could be saved or services simplified, but the idea that there are vast sums that could be saved through "efficiencies" has never been backed up. Sure, you can get some wages off the books through privatization, but don't you think there's a cost? Ontario privatized its highway snow clearing. They saved something like 0.05% of their budget but service suffered drastically and accidents worsened. We still end up paying for the service, but people on the bottom are even further hurt, and wages and services often suffer. Like, how do you think the private sector is able to provide a similar service while raking in profit? Service levels or compensation are lowered, pay at the top balloons, and the government still ends up paying through subsidies to private business.

Now is a great time to be in debt, to fund services and employ people. We're only worse for it because we've been down for so long. When oil prices recover hopefully our politicians can find a way to make a decent profit, and put some away for the next time.

And "balanced budget legislation" is a political ploy. You can't tie the hands of a future government by definition. If anyone promises that one they are pandering; it's unenforceable.
Well we have very different fundamental views on government and the this will just spin into and endless argument.
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