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Old Posted Mar 7, 2015, 3:30 PM
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Location: Riverview Estates Fairway (PA)
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Thanks for the stats. Its nice to know that all of the construction, proposed, and on hold account for a 110% increase (109.6% rounded) of the current 200m+ stock. Hopefully if most of those proposals go through, and a good majority will, I'd say its fair to say that the 200m stock will increase by 85% in the next decade. Assuming just those numbers apply which they won't because more will be proposed and under construction in the years to come. 85% assuming some get dropped, but if the current cycle goes strong, than we might see somewhere in the 90's.

Even in the 100-199m category, the city is experiencing a good percent increase of its stock supply.

I'm still thinking about how I'm going to do a new highrise thread if they allow me. I was thinking a thread that can work side by side with the mid/low and this thread. This way, we can better organize NYC projects. With each post corresponding to a project, and a title on the top so its easy to search and reference it back with updates, this way, users can easily navigate new and old news. Like I've been doing with the midrise thread with no duplicates. The OP of the highrise nyc thread has neglected it, and I think its time for a new thread thats updated with respect to the front page, and is a little more organized as theres a lot of unrelated crap several pages dating the year of 2013 and below.

I was thinking a main page where the first post has a huge directory of NYC project threads (links), and we can do something for projects 100m-199m. This thread being for supertalls and significant skyscrapers greater than 200m as it has been. Almost like the CHicago boom rundown, only for NYC.

Last edited by chris08876; Mar 7, 2015 at 3:40 PM.
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