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Old Posted Jan 8, 2015, 6:29 PM
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Finally, someone else agrees that UIC should win the library. If UIC wins, their their plan will help benefit the entire West Side rather than the portion of the South Side surrounding Hyde Park. Heck, UIC would be building instead of destroying new parkland if they win. Sure, some of the new parks would be over an expressway, but it would certainly remove some of the expressways ungodly sights and we would also have a new "Bllomingdale Trail" where the former Sears Line was. In addition, we would have a new CTA station, a new BRT Line that connects OPL to Museum Campus, Circle Interchange being less horrid, new opportunities for Southwest Loop, renewed interests in North Lawndale, which will all lead to more developments on the West Side and even people starting to move back into the city. This is pretty much seen as a win, win, win, win for everybody in the city.

P.S. Seriously, you would finally be able to walk around the Circle Interchange!
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