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Old Posted Oct 20, 2014, 5:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Ted Lyons View Post
You realize this forum is pretty much dedicated to discussions of urbanism, right? Redevelopment projects meant to enhance the viability of daily commutes across an entire city are kind of antithetical to that concept.
Yes, I'm aware. And Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. I was born in Tucson and have lived a good chunk of my life there. Tucson is always guilty of the same old-think: social-engineer poor quality of life. It doesn't matter what reality is, keep placating those that don't need to go across town for jobs. Don't build a freeway even though *for now* that is the best solution. Why make life easy on people? Let's punish them for having those damn cars. Look, I'm as much for density and alternative modes of transport and reduction of greenhouse gasses HOWEVER you have to balance the short- and long-terms. That's the human condition on this planet. You know what will continue to keep Tucson grossly non-competitive to the Portland, Austins and even (ugh) Albuquerques??? 40 minutes to go 10 miles across the city. Ridiculous. Tucson needs to get its friggin act together, period. Almost 30 years ago they voted down the Rillito Parkway. Keep it up and nobody will want to live in Tucson and there won't be any traffic.
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