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Old Posted Oct 11, 2014, 9:24 PM
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Thanks for trying M_P. I haven't found anything on the Rancho Grande either.

FredH. I enjoyed your series of before & after photos of S. Main and 51st Street.

originally posted by FredH

I was going to joke about the 'bird' on the Main St. sign (thinking it was actually a wire connector behind the sign.
But after looking a little closer, I see that it's throwing a shadow onto the sign, as if it's perched on it. is it a bird after all?

Here's a wooden survivor on 51st just off Main St.


Further west on 51st Street, nearer to Broadway, is this impressive survivor.


Between the two are numerous bungalows with some fine craftman's details.


CBD had mentioned the many empty lots, and the inability to get investments in the area.
So I was surprised/pleased to see this large construction project rising on Main St. across the street (and a little bit south)
of the corner store shown in FredH's black & white photograph from 1932.


And as if by magic, here it is finished. (time traveling from one google-car to another)


I must say it's a nice looking project. (especially compared to some of the other projects being built in L.A.)

Last edited by ethereal_reality; Oct 11, 2014 at 9:39 PM.
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