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Old Posted Mar 23, 2014, 5:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Dac150 View Post
Yes, but at what expense? Certainly shouldn't be that of the WTC redevelopment.

I'm glad the PABT is receiving some fresh attention - there's no doubt improvements (and vast ones at that) are needed. I don't feel though that reallocating funds meant for the WTC redevelopment will be the right way to go about that. Two totally different projects that serve two totally different needs.
As I said in the WTC thread, normally I'm not a fan of public subsidies of private development. I'm also not a fan of the PA's disastrous mismanagement of the WTC rebuild. That being said, with all the money that has been spent on the WTC site so far, it would be silly to abandon it right now, especially considering that the PA would have a lien on WTC3 - it's not as if the money is "lost" per se - it's just tied up in another project. The WTC is a fairly unique project in terms of it's design and it's origins nd given the scope of what happened on 9/11, it's best for Lower Manhattan (and NYC as a whole) to get the WTC back online.

The Bus Terminal is an unmitigated disaster, but I have to think there are other ways to fund it than by diverting funds away from the WTC. A good friend of mine worked in Massachusetts state government for years - he was of the opinion that every time a state agency said it had run out of money or something to that effect, it was because of comical (and criminal) mismanagement, waste and fraud, not because of actual revenue shortfalls...
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