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Old Posted Mar 18, 2014, 6:01 PM
Jim613 Jim613 is offline
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Originally Posted by TOexpat View Post
Yes, unfortunately Ottawa is an incredibly boring city where there is a severe lack of anything interesting to do. I attribute this mostly to the fact that it is a government town that attracts risk averse people. It is the antithesis of creative or innovative. People who are interesting, ambitious and curious leave Ottawa as they know how incredibly lame it is. Just look at the real estate. When is the last time that something interesting and different got built? Unfortunate, but just the way it is.
Aside from the type of people who live here, why do you suppose the lack of interesting things to do or intersting real estate comes from?

My theory is that's is due mostly to where we are. We are ~2 hours away from city of 2 million people and are about ~4 hours away from a city of 4 million people.

Sure, maybe boring people live here and those boring people demand boring stuff, but being sandwhiched between 2 major centres probably doesn't help.

If there's money to be made, why focus on a small-medium centre when you can focus on the nearby bigger centres and just count on those from the smaller centres to travel and/or relocate to spend their money.

I'm not expert and these are my own thoughts, so take them as they are. Also, I'd be curious to see how this plays out in other parts where you have a big centre close to a small-medium centre (Calgary and Edmonton come to mind but I'm sure there are other examples in Canada and the world
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