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Old Posted Mar 12, 2014, 8:53 AM
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Otis Criblecoblis Otis Criblecoblis is offline
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Originally Posted by BifRayRock View Post


845 S. Los Angeles Street. Brunswick records aka Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Per '29 Directory Ad, "Billiards, Bowling, Panatropes, Radios and Records." Phone TRinity-4734

Thank you very much, Biff! That's a welcome find! I'm a big shellac collector, and I take a special interest in the Brunswick label. That's very thoughtful of you.

It's probably too small to see, but the label I use as my icon is from the recording "Home in Pasadena", by Al Jolson with the Isham Jones Orchestra. We have adopted it as the official theme song of our Farm House. I don't have the record of which you show the label, but I sure wish I did!

The cool thing is that this company is still in business. As one might assume, it's the billiards and bowling company. They've been around since 1845. They got into the record business as an outgrowth of their cabinet-making business in 1916, and sold it to Warner Bros in 1930 (the record industry was tanking as a result of the depression and the maturation of network radio) along with the rights to the name for records, radios and record players only. That is why WB films from 1930 say "Brunswick radios and phonographs used exclusively" in the credits.

After a number of corporate handoffs, the label still exists today:
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