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Old Posted Jan 31, 2014, 2:01 PM
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Originally Posted by StatenIslander237 View Post
This is why we can't have nice things. WHY CAN'T WE HAVE NICE THINGS?!
Well, the NIMBYs would tell you to take your nice things know what they would say. It doesn't matter how "pretty" you make it. Look at the Tower Verre. If they had their way, that plan would be dead. They made enough noise to have it decapitated at least. (As nice as it was, even City Planning decided the design didn't cut it).

No, we can't really have a system where the design is the ultimate test of whether or not something can be built, because the people just aren't going to like it, no matter what. Either something is allowed to be built because it is legal, or it is not. This is a case where the City is involved, so there is a little more say in what the City will allow.
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