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Old Posted Jan 22, 2014, 3:50 AM
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Matthew Matthew is offline
Fourth and Main
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Johns Creek, GA (Atlanta)
Posts: 3,147
Good news! Three more new projects to add to our proposed and construction lists!

Big Winston Market: (NEW to our list!)
Big Winston Warehouse is being renovated into an arts and market center. It should provide additional entertainment, arts, and retail to downtown.

Source: Linville Team Partners

Ella's Lofts: (NEW to our list!)
Yes, more apartments! The building next door is also under renovation and the Yoga Gallery just opened there.

Winston Mutual Insurance Building:
Will this become a bigger project, with additional development around it? Fifth Street Investments LLC, is seeking approval to redevelop the surrounding property. No details as of this posting. I've seen they are close to signing tenants for two more floors in the renovated building, which is great news. They are gutting the building and it will be like new, when they finish. It appears as if they are replacing the windows too? This is a very complete renovation. It will remain office space.

The Heights at Patterson: (NEW to our list!)
Another apartment development, this time in the Goler Heights District, which could reach 5-storeys and feature ground floor retail spaces. Very few details, but I think a Maryland company that worked on The Gallery Lofts is also building this?

River Run International Film Festival:
It won't be long until it's time for River Run! Did you know The River Run International Film Festival is a qualifying festival for the Oscars in the Documentary Short Subject award category? It's a shortcut to meet Academy eligibility, allowing the winning short to forgo a standard theatrical run. Only 25 film festivals around the world are considered “qualifying festivals” for documentary shorts. Only 13 of those 25 film festivals are in the U.S.,. River Run starts on April 4th in downtown Winston-Salem. In the festival city, this is really a must see festival!

Interesting New Places to See!
I don't post many restaurants in this thread, but want to make an exception for Mission Pizza Napoletana, which is now open on Trade Street. This is not a typical pizza restaurant. You can't order pepperoni pizza here. This is real Italian pizza, using traditional Caputo 00 flour, crushed tomatoes with salt (instead of the usual sauce you see on other pizzas), and extra-virgin olive oil. The oven the pizzas are cooked in is hand-made in Naples, Italy, from bricks forged of the volcanic soil surrounding Mt. Vesuvius! It is the only one like it in the Carolinas. Even the sodas are imported, so they don't have the corn syrup ours have. These pizzas are also lighter than what Americans eat, without a heavy blanket of cheese. The crust is thin and has a slight char, due to the 1,000 degree wood-fired oven. This urban restaurant also has a walk/bike-through window (no cars, just pedestrians and cyclists). If you're asking how long it takes to wait on these amazing pizzas: They cook in 90 seconds. Though the restaurant doesn't offer pepperoni, they do have soppressata. This is a must visit downtown.

These photographs of Mission Pizza are old, but they are the only photographs I can find of the building right now.

Both Photographs from Peyton Smith

Transit, Bike, & Pedestrian Improvements
The first phase of this project, covering neighborhoods that border downtown on the northwest side, will cost $9.1 million to complete. Apartments along the improvement corridors could pay a small fee for these upgrades? It should improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians and also improve mass transit, in an effort to increase the number of people biking, walking, and taking transit by 10% in three years. I think the neighborhoods to the south of downtown are next? A very exciting project with an awesome goal!

Winston-Salem District VA Hospital:
Ground breaking is this Friday on this $84 million project... however, it's already under construction. This is just an opportunity for local leaders to take their pictures with shovels at the construction site.

Semans Arts Library:
I found a rendering of this project, posted by TwinCity at WSTB, and wanted to share it with the forum! This library is already under construction and will hold the world's third largest motion picture archive! It will also have a small theatre to view the movies in, which is great news for film lovers in Winston-Salem! Due to the significance of the collection, the building is designed for preservation. Winston-Salem is an awesome arts city!

Source: UNCSA

Plant 64 Lofts:
Thank you to the GC for sharing photographs of the progress!

Are these the windows for the building?

The retail building on Fourth Street is now under renovation!

Those will be awesome retail spaces! Notice how old the building appears. I'm guessing this is the oldest building there and would love to know how old it is?

All Plant 64 images courtesy
My Diagram

Last edited by Matthew; Feb 25, 2014 at 2:56 AM.
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