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Old Posted Jan 7, 2014, 6:15 AM
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Originally Posted by flar View Post
It was dead before that, and it would be even deader if they were separated again. I think the reason is that people's web surfing habits have changed. Threads still get lots of views but few replies. You are much less likely to reply to a thread when you're on a tablet or phone because it's a hassle to type a post on a forum with these devices. That's why I proposed a thanks button last year.

What purpose would separating them serve anyway? They were only separated in the first place because they were so busy threads would get buried on page 2 after one day. Now even with one section, threads stay on the first page for a week or more.
I agree with this. Also it gets harder to come up with germane comments once you have seen a city numerous times. I try to comment on threads I like but often find myself struggling to find new things to say. I get tired of saying "great thread" over and over, eventually it turns into a cliché.
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