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Old Posted Nov 5, 2013, 7:54 PM
TouchTheSky13 TouchTheSky13 is offline
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Originally Posted by franktko View Post
Then why not just call them mechanical floors? I guess having 32 mechanical floors would raise some eyebrows
Yeah, this building does a pretty amazing job of hiding the fact that it's a concrete and steal fortress. There's no safer place in the city IMO other than maybe 33 Thomas Street, which was designed to reamin functional for up to a month after an nuclear attack.

1WTC also accomplishes Libeskind's original intent of making the buildings lower and safer, except without compromising height/bulk. The two places where people would be most vulnerable to a terrorist attack are (conveniently) occupied by mechanical floors. The base mechanical floors protect against car/briefcase bombs and the upper mechanical floors protect against an attack by aircraft.

But in all likelyhood, I doubt we'll ever see a 9-11 style attack ever again, nor is it likely that a car packed with explosives could ever get close enough to Tower 1 to do any substantial damage due to the added street level safety features. I mean someone could detonate from West St., but the tower is too far away and too well-engineered; it would be like kicking a giant in the shins. Not gonna work.
"They told me that I had the right to remain silent, but I didn't have the ability."