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Old Posted Sep 19, 2013, 3:04 PM
Brandyn Brandyn is offline
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Originally Posted by XtremeDave View Post
Wow, didn't expect to ever see an SCV thread on this forum! Those Vista Canyon renders look amazing, so much different than the bland sprawl of Canyon Country that I grew up with. Any information about the project status besides the approval?

Hope it eventually gets built.
The City of Santa Clarita has a specific plan in place for the project and the judge only ruled in favor of 2 out of 17 things that SCOPE brought up in the EIR. A) It didn't recognize the area as a significant ecological area. B) It didn't recognize that there would be significant environmental impacts.

JSB sounded like they were confident in being able to resolve both issues via appeal or a redo of the EIR. They told The Signal they only expect to be delayed from breaking ground by a year (Spring 2014, Summer 2014 at the latest.)

As far as sprawl goes, the city is changing quickly. They have drafted the Lyons and Soledad Corridor Plans to create more density and more walkable communities. They are likely working on more corridor plans as well. The city has also stated that the original Porta Bella entitlements for the Whittaker Bermite are outdated and do not reflect the cities current needs. It appears as though the site will become the real 'urban core' of the city when it is developed. I do think when the Whittaker Bermite site is developed more people in Santa Clarita will embrace higher density and more walkable communities.
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