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Old Posted Sep 19, 2013, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by fhammon View Post
Why is it that old photos seem to show things larger than recent photos?
I've noticed that a lot with the "then and now" building photos as well.
They always look bigger then than now when shot from the same or similar locations.
It's it the camera lenses? In this case maybe it's the different elevations from which they were shot. Still....
It's mainly the camera lenses - they can make matching up filming locations to Google StreetViews really tricky, even when the places haven't changed much.

Here's a scene from the TV movie 'Hazzard in Hollywood' that was filmed on Fletcher Drive:

Warner Bros.

The StreetView below is actually taken from closer to the 'M & W Liquor' sign on the left than the one above, yet the McDonalds sign is hardly visible, and you'd be hard pressed to see the Chevron sign.


The Chevron sign is still in the same place, but the TV footage makes it look much closer. The original angle also hid the underpass and just missed the Van de Kamp's Bakery building on the right.


There's another shot from the same movie showing Franklin and Gower with the Hollywood sign looming large in the background. Go to StreetView and you can hardly see the sign from there.
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