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Old Posted Jul 22, 2013, 3:28 AM
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J_M_Tungsten J_M_Tungsten is offline
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Originally Posted by Roadcruiser1 View Post
A tsunami can't destroy this building. At best it's height would only be 100 feet. This building is almost 1,300 feet taller. Not to mention that it's construction would allow it to stand..........

Hurricane resistance is extremely similar to earthquake resistance. It will be fine..........

Most of you are extremely ignorant. These questions are answered way before construction by the people that are building it. Not to mention that if you think this building was weak it would have meant that the Twin Towers were weak. The only differences between 432 Park Avenue and the Twin Towers are A) The Twin Towers were made out of steel not concrete B) The Twin Towers were twice as wide as 432 Park Avenue and C) 432 Park Avenue is a single entity not two..........
Ignorant is the one who thinks they can "plan" for Mother Nature. How about asteroids? Is that preventative measure in the plans too? Lol. Just saying though, you can't plan for the power behind the worst natural disasters; as rare as they may be.