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Old Posted Mar 15, 2013, 7:24 PM
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shivtim shivtim is offline
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So maybe it's just 39% that is required to go to the stadium?

"No matter what the stadium costs to build and operate, by law 39.3 percent of the city’s 7-cents-per-dollar hotel-motel tax must go to the project — the same percentage that currently goes to the Georgia Dome."

"The new stadium’s share of the hotel-motel taxes dates to 1989, when the General Assembly approved the Dome funding plan. The same 39.3 percent was simply kept in place when, in 2010, the General Assembly authorized extending the tax as a funding vehicle for a replacement stadium."

"Interest and principal payments on the public’s share of the construction debt could total nearly $450 million over the life of the 30-year bonds, government documents reveal. And, under one projection, about $450 million more could eventually be directed toward the stadium’s operation and maintenance, according to documents reviewed by the AJC."
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