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Old Posted Feb 18, 2013, 6:24 AM
ProphetM ProphetM is offline
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Originally Posted by ethereal_reality View Post

I'm still a bit confused ProphetM...but I certainly think you're in the right area.

google aerial

That said, I find this area of Echo Park extremely interesting. I've saved a lot of images of the area on an old CD.
Time to post them I think.
OK, here's what I'm talking about.

The original with the two parts I was describing - the house, and the concrete wall. By my count of eaves, the house seen next to the guy's head is 5 houses from the corner.

The Google Street View showing the angle of streets - the one coming down the hill is straight and then takes a kick to the right just before it gets to the corner. You can't see the house or much of the wall; we will need other views for those.

Street View was useless because of trees, so here's an overhead view showing the corner of the house that I circled in the old pic:

It's a two-story house, 5th property from the corner (after gas station, two apartments and one single-story house). It has a separate roof over the porch, which seems to me to match what little is visible in the old pic - where the eave of the main roof seemingly hangs out over another, smaller roof at the front of the house.

Next, the wall - going up Morton Ave. in Google Street View shows several properties in the right area with a low wall like the old pic:

So, it seems to fit I think, but is by no means conclusive. Oh, and as per the old pic, there was a streetcar line running down Echo Park Ave. from before 1900.
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