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Old Posted Feb 6, 2013, 10:36 PM
Novacek Novacek is offline
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Originally Posted by Komeht View Post
Elevating a track through a few hard sections might make sense. Certainly that has to be cheaper than burying it. But I worry about creating dead zones under the tracks and psychologic barriers that pedestrians won't cross...particularly in an area of town where we want heavy pedestrian traffic and street life. Maybe there's a way to do this well - but, for example, the elevated freeways are just a disaster in this town - every one of them. I'd worry that elevated rail would have similar impact.
Certainly that's a consideration, but would elevated tracks in, for instance, Guadalupe in the drag really stop people from crossing in that area? Also there's probably a difference between 2 transit lines and 6 (or more) highway lanes (plus shoulders).
Have elevated transit lines in other large cities created similar psychological barriers?
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