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Old Posted Jan 16, 2013, 12:49 PM
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J.A.I.L. J.A.I.L. is offline
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Originally Posted by SignalHillHiker View Post
I want to try all of the different restaurants as well. Matty and I were doing that for a while but then we realized we were kicking ourselves right in the finances and slowed down on eating at anything classier than a Wendy's.

The only things I can honestly say I've tried to death and simply do not like, in any form, are sushi and marmalade. I even had teriyaki chicken sushi and still THAT had the same disgusting taste as all the rest. I think it must be the rice or the vinegar I hate... I can't tell. But it's something that's common in all sushi I've ever tried.

Also, forgot one: cilantro. I have whatever gene that is that makes it taste like soap. And I hate that people use it since, apparently, for people who can taste it properly, it's not that different from basil. Just use basil. Stop ruining food.

Some curries I can't eat because of the cilantro.
Have to agree with you on the Cilantro! Does the same to me and no matter how small amount I can taste it right off the bat!
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