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Old Posted Nov 8, 2012, 6:15 PM
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Deepstar Deepstar is offline
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A simple fix would be to have a surcharge on cars that stay outside of the core overnight.

Originally Posted by McMurph View Post
I love the concept and have used it a few times. My only concern is the fact that it seems that its being used primarily by downtown commuters. The evening and morning maps are ridiculous -- all the cars are out in the periphery each night (no doubt in front of the house of someone who is counting on it being there in the morning), then they all "disappear" into the core by 8AM. Instead of supplanting car ownership, like a true car-share ought to be doing, our program seems to be supplanting transit and saving car commuters a load of cash on parking. Not exactly in-line with our core transportation plans. I'm also fully expecting to hear about Car 2 Go rage as neighbours begin poaching the cars that commuters had expected to have each morning.

I hope the city and Car 2 Go figure out a solution soon. Living in the inner-ish city (Bankview in my case) and not being able to find a car between 7 AM and 5PM is a bit irritating. I've heard of folks who live downtown/beltline that are equally bothered by not being able to find a car in the evening.
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