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Old Posted Sep 12, 2012, 7:42 PM
RockMont RockMont is offline
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Originally Posted by rack776 View Post
I wish people would stop bitching about how long it is taking to build, yeah the political hacks have screwed up some of the project but think of it this way, it was described as the most complicated building project in history because-
1. They had to remove the destruction & excavate a cemetary just to begin the project.

2. They had to repair all the underground damage to all the things you dont think about under a city, phone lines, gas pipes, and oh yeah a friggin subway transit hub.

3. The construction could not disrupt every day life for the city, trains had to still run, construction was planned arround the city.

I forget who said it but it has been said it is like building central park first with grand central station under it while the trains are already there and running and you cannot disturb anything in the process.

Give the workers a break already. Its a Hell of project to plan.

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