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Old Posted Aug 23, 2012, 2:19 AM
MichaelB MichaelB is offline
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Originally Posted by the Genral View Post
Its obvious she wants to protect HER view and I really can't blame her for that. But she's seems a bit arrogant and snooty to me in the way she makes her point. Her Walmart analogy is one example, and the way she appears to be rallying others to share her opinion. Yes Riddle, your main objection IS because you live next door. And the view you wish to protect IS mostly your view and that of a select few. But like so many other Liberals in this town, just keep telling the rest of us what's best for us and thinly disguise it as a sincere gesture to get what you want. I have to wonder if she would be this vocal if she lived somewhere else. Oh well, maybe I'm way off...but she's annoying the shit out of me.
Well you are off base on two key things. A: Her view is not affected. THat was a misquote.She lives on the other side of the building. B: She is an Arch Conservative Republican. I live in the same building. There were many more offensive issues with the project that you can do your homework and search for in earlier posts.
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