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Old Posted Aug 10, 2012, 9:28 PM
fhammon fhammon is offline
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Originally Posted by Oviatt Building Fan View Post
Folks, you might enjoy reading this recent Los Angeles Times interview with me about the historic James Oviatt Building in downtown L.A. The second link has a photo gallery as well.,2357113.story
Excellent interview OBF.
I particularly like the question that the interviewer put to you:

"You've got your Oviatt suit and tie, and your Spectator shoes," I tell him later. "What does it feel like for you to be here? When you look out the windows, do you see 2012? Or does time stand still?"

I was reminded of the film Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeves. I just saw it again recently on Netflix thinking I'd just see the first five minutes and then move on. I didn't. I watched it from beginning to end.

The ability to step back in time at will is one of my favorite daydreams. That must be something we all have in common here at Norish Los Angeles. That's part of the reason why this thread exists and continues to grow, I'm sure.

Thank you very much for sharing that article and your passion for all things Oviatt.

Now that I've buttered you up, would it be possible to organize a private tour of the Oviatt building for members of this board with you as our guide?
If that's at all possible, communication could be handled by Private Messaging.
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