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Old Posted Jun 28, 2011, 5:37 AM
habfanman habfanman is offline
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ueen is Canadian

Originally Posted by Overground View Post
The Queen/Sovereign/head of state is already Canadian.

So I'll ask what I always do in these silly monarchy discussions over the years and never get a reply back.............

How is Canada's constitutional monarchy system fundamentally failing Canada?
The easy answer is that they are not failing us. No more than our dependance on our resource based economy is failing us. No more than our complete domination by the U.S. is failing us.

We own lots of really big TV's, we own dinky little houses in the middle of nowhere, we have lots of cars.. everything is groovy! Right?

Maybe though, some of us wish that we actually made things rather than pawning off our resources to other countries that do actually make things. Maybe some of us wish that we had some sort of identifiable culture, other than that of the U.S. And maybe, some of us wish that our head of state wasn't some foreign parasite (and if one more fucking monarchist insults my intelligence by telling me that the Queen is Canadian! You're not Canadian just because you decree yourself to be).

Blow me paparazzi Royals. Stick to eTalk where they appreciate you for what you really are: fashion statements du jour and 'A-lister' photo ops.

And future embarrassments.
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