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Old Posted May 26, 2010, 10:39 PM
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Beaudry Beaudry is offline
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Originally Posted by ethereal_reality View Post
Wow Beaudry, your 'Criss Cross' screen captures and information are priceless. I appreciate all your hard work.

Like I said earlier, I haven't seen 'Criss Cross' so take this with a grain of salt.

The two interior shots of 'planning the caper bit', look like they could have been shot on a set at the studio with a rear projection of Angels Flight. It just seems a set would have given them the ample room for all the camera/sound equipment and the lighting set ups
(and the lighting is both exquisite AND precise...especially in that second shot).

So if the angles don't quite 'add up' with the 'location', perhaps this is why.
Nope, I'm sold. Totally sold. Here's why.

Look where the Flight passes. Right where the quoins end on the southern edge of the Elks building where it ends at Clay. Here, from Kiss Me Deadly:

To get that shot you'd have to be standing right on the edge of the bottom porch of the Sunshine.

Not the only place they shot rear projection, I think: there's this great scene in the drug store -- City Hall prominent in the bg, almost tooo prominent, if you ask me -- look at the way the painted line ends. Looks a little off, don't it?

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