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Old Posted Jan 29, 2010, 5:00 PM
sammo sammo is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: toronto
Posts: 1,171
hilarious thread! should have been:

"Last call: Can the Democrat Party Survive?"

"Can the Democrat Party Survive B.O.?"

"Can the United States of America Survive B.O. -& the Demoncrats?"

but seriously, can the democrats survive without illegal immigrants? -or "undocumented migrants"?

Can the Democrats survive without either of their (and i mean "their" -they run them) most dysfunctional states, california or new york?

for the record, i think both the DNC & GOP suck. one because it's been hi-jacked, radicalized & marginalized by its far left base (socialists) and the other bums that were trashed for being too comfy and beholden to big business interests. and governing like Liberals.

how can you all have elected such an 'unknown quantity'?
no foriegn policy to speak of, just drops the healthcare bill, spending out of control, so many broken promises regarding transparency or pork spending, socializing banks and auto makers, etc. with super majorities in the house and senate, their biggest opponent is the american citizen. how sinister/left.
this admin. has run out of ideas. another 'job summit'? more bailouts? i feel like i'm watching a very predictable greek tragic comedy. one year in, this 'most popular', noble prize laureate (lol) prez has the fastest dropping poll numbers in recorded history! i don't think he would last a month under the perpetual media/hollywood scrutiny of the former hillbilly. looks like buyer's remorse to me.

americans would make for a great magic show audience. "hey folks, look at the plane overhead..."
hint: you're focusing on the wrong hand.
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