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Old Posted Oct 18, 2009, 7:13 PM
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Very interesting, considering what's actually there now. I guess the idea of a "Trade Fair Center" evolved into what is now the LA Convention Center?

Looking at these renderings, particularly of the proposed Music Center, made me think of the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. That building is a definite time warp, totally a product of that Space-Age/Atomic-Age era of the mid-late 1950s. I've been inside once while some kind of rinky-dink arts & crafts fair was going on; the event space inside is very utilitarian, which surprised me, because this used to be the venue for the Academy Awards from 1961 to 1968.

Here's what it looks like today:


Here's what it looked like when it first opened in 1958, images from the USC Archive:

Hmm, the lobby looks kinda fun in that pic...

Here's what it looked like inside during an Oscars ceremony; Eddie Fisher is escorting Elizabeth Taylor to the stage, after Yul Brynner announced that she just won Best Actress for "Butterfield 8." April 17, 1961:

From Life Magazine

She beat out other Best Actress nominees Greer Garson in "Sunrise at Campobello," Deborah Kerr in "The Sundowners," Shirley MacLaine in "The Apartment" and Melina Mercouri in "Never on Sunday."

Here it is during the Academy Awards, 1968:

"I guess the only time people think about injustice is when it happens to them."

~ Charles Bukowski
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